Services Offered

Capacitación en Español

Para apoyar el desarrollo de la “bi-lectoescritura” (biliteracy) y la enseñanza en programas bilingües y de doble lenguaje (dual), MECA también ofrece los servicios de capacitación antemencionados como inmersión en español profesional, incluyendo club de lectura, y el desarrollo de curriculum (planes de estudio) en español.

Arts & Culture Integration Workshops

Will focus on a cultural calendar around which we have developed curriculum for more than 15 years. The cultural calendar is geared around significant historical and contemporary traditions for mexicano/latinos and the communities we share. Workshops for pre-service and in-service educators provide interactive frameworks for developing a cultural understanding of topics and concepts with hands-on strategies for curriculum integration through arts and music.

Curriculum Coaching and Instruction Consulting

1:1 support in lesson plans, unit plans, and implementation. We also support interdisciplinary and professional planning through a cultural lens.


MECA Book Club

The book club is centered around authors and stories that students of color can relate to. We want to inspire generations of readers currently excluded by a eurocentric literary canon in schools dominated by white male authors. Through this outlet, educators can be introduced to books and be supported in building curricular experiences with these books in the classroom.

Translation of Curriculum Materials

We can support translation of curricular materials into Spanish–English.